Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yay!!! Camping Weekend

I know I haven't blogged in a bit.  Life has been claiming my time.  Joseph has spring break this week and it's exciting because I was able to get off work friday and we're going camping with my parents down to Arches National Park/Goblin Valley area.  When I told Joseph yesterday about it he was really excited.  We've been wanting to go camping together for a long time.  We've gone on hikes, etc last year.  We recently went and hiked the 'Y'.  Really fun.  Thought we'd 'break in' our legs for the summer ahead.  
Last year my family and I went down to Goblin Valley area and camped.  It was the kewlest camping trip I had been on.  The pictures below are pictures of Temple Mountain where we had gone on four wheel trails around.  It was so neat to go on the trail there.  There were tonz of trails around there and a lot of holes in the side of the mountain that are Uranium mines.  Really a neat experience. 
I'm really excited for this years trek seeing as I get to go with my husband.  :)
My work is going well.  Picking up etc.  My boss has been thinking about getting health insurance.  We hope it goes through.  


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthday and a Funeral

Yesterday was my 23rd Birthday.  Yay!!  
It wasn't much of a day though.  But then again it was.  
Joseph and I went up to Logan with his Mom and Aaron to attend the Funeral for Michael Alleman.  Wonderful Funeral because the National Guard, Fire Department, Michaels 5th graders, etc were there to pay their respects.  Michael didn't join the army to become a hero, but became a hero by serving his country and sacrificing his life for his loving family and country.  It was very emotional for many.  Amy however was just happy and positive.  She is quite a remarkable woman.  Afterward we had lunch.  Then we went back to American Fork.  Joseph and I on the way home stopped at the book store and bought some books... one of them being one for backpacking trails in Utah which we're both excited about.  We went to Maceys and got some ice cream, saw our friend Chuck Anderson there with his sister,  and had fun chatting.  Went home afterward and slept.  
It was kinda a sucky day in the fact that I cried much of the morning, spent a lot of time on the road, and didn't do much, but it was nice to be there at the funeral to support Amy and her family and pay our respects. 
Articles about Funeral and Michael

Friday, February 27, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Well... this week has been ok except for what happened on monday.  Got some good news.  Bonnie and Blake are up for the weekend.  Blake asked Daddy last night if he could marry Bonnie.  Daddy said yes.  So Bonnie, Candace & I are gonna go dress and wedding shopping today.  I only work a half day today.  YAY!! lol  
Week's been good.  Joseph and I went shopping last night and bought food we really needed.  Joseph's dad gave us a Costco card so we can go there and get food.  Joseph's Dad did loose his job.  But he's going to retire and receive unemployment so that's good.  He's moving this next month into a new house that'll be cheaper for him.  
Life goes on.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Black Day ☹

I need to vent.  Yesterday was a very difficult day.  Work was fine.  But I was worried about a lot of things while at work... but other than that my work day was good.  I was worried about Joseph.  He was telling me that he was having a crummy day and I wanted to help make it a better day but I didn't know what to do.  
Later, when I got home, is when the trouble started.  I had to ride my bike over to 24 hr Fitness and cancel my stupid membership and get a refund because I never went there and some other crap.  Well my account was canceled but they wouldn't give me my refund "company policy".  Screw that policy.  Anyways.  I went out the door in a bit of a huff and when I got to my bike I noticed that the tire had gone flat.  Talk about Karma.  Not sure how... but it did and that didn't help my mood.  On the way home I was listening to my iPod Touch Joseph bought me for my birthday :) when I listened to the song by Josh Groban called "Don't Give Up".  That got me started on the crying.  When I got home I had a full melt down.  Just laid on the bed and cried.  It also doesn't help that I'm an emotional wreck a least once a month.  
My sister Celeste found out that her job was actually a scam company and that they had totally ripped her off and now she has to go find a new job.  Her and my sister Hillary both.
Joseph got off work and gave me a phone call while I was still emotional and broke the news to me that his cousin Michael, Aunt Susan's son, (Aunt Susan did our reception) had died while serving in the military in Iraq leaving Amy and their two adorable sons.  I cried even more when I had heard that.  I think I had only met him once.  But the thought of Amy loosing the one she loves hit me hard.  Amy, I am sorry for your loss.
Later I got a message from Candace saying that her favorite rat, Tiger, had died of pretty much a cold and that her other rats are sick too.  She's worried about her rats.  They're like children for her and it's horrible anyways since another rat of hers had died a couple weeks earlier.
Also found out that Joseph's Dad is going into the UVU staffing board today to be evaluated and see if he's going to keep his job.  UVU is doing cut backs of their Faculty and we're hoping he doesn't loose his job.
Other crap has happened with other members of our families and was just a bad day.

I have a prayer in my heart and a hug in my arms for all of you and hope you feel the comfort of the Lord in your lives.  Remember 'Don't Give Up' and I love you.  

Friday, February 20, 2009

Story of my life

The story of my life you might find to be too long.  It has had it's ups and downs, but it's been an adventure in and of itself.  
Life in it's early stages was innocent, simple, naive.  As life progressed things got more complicated and responsibility invaded.  The little girl grew up, learned and advanced in the things of life.  The invitation of love and intimacy introduced itself to her and she experienced many new and exciting things.  She traveled to new places to learn and become a woman.  In time that woman met a man she had known when she was a girl.  A young, ambitious and handsome man he was and she fell madly in love with him.  She felt alive and young and they completed each other in many ways.  The couple married and now they live.  
  They Live  

Thus the curtain closes on another tale

An eternity has passed...

Fleeting dreams fade into the distance...

All that is left now

Is me and my memories...

But I'm sure we'll meet again,

Someday, you and I...

Another place, another time.